Race Day Prep

What You Need to Know for Race Day (as an Admin)

Below is an outline of basic race day procedures - please reach out to us directly at support@paddleguru.com if you have any additional or unanswered questions!


- All registered athletes are viewable here: 

- Your registration is currently set to stay open through the weekend - you can adjust the end date here:  

- The events for your race are listed here: 

All of these options can be found on the left side of your Admin Race Page on PaddleGuru. 

Day Of Registration:

- You will need wifi or a hotspot to process day of registrations.

- One laptop per 30 people expected at the event is the recommendation, and a laptop for timing the race (it's much easier than a tablet or mobile device).

- To process day of registrants, you'll want to go to Actions->Register Someone on the admin dashboard. 

 Enter their personal information and events, then select "pay race day" if they're paying you directly, or "Credit card" if you would like to process their card through the site. Click submit once their info is in - the page will refresh, ready for the next participant. 

*Important* The person's racer number will be shown at the top of the page after you've submitted the edit. 


- You will need wifi or a hotspot to start timing, and to publish results. 

(You can time offline once the page is loaded if needed - although we recommend that you stay online so the times will back up to our servers in real-time).

- To time the race, navigate to Actions->Race Timing. 

*Note: You will have two options here:

1) Timing Each Event Separately - 

If the races are totally separate, then select the one you want to time now from your list of Events and proceed to the timing app.   

2) Time Multiple Events Simultaneously 

Click on the blue "You can also time multiple events simultaneously here" (shown above), and then select the events you want to time (seen below).

If the finishers from two or more events will overlap, we recommend timing together.  The next section on handling results will cover applying an offset for multiple events with different start times.

Once selected, click "Time Events".

When using the Timing App: 

When the first racer begins, click "Start Timer" and the race will begin! 

That will load the timing page. Press start when the first racers start.  

Press "enter" on your keyboard when a finisher crosses the line (or click the green "Click to Mark" button). This will bring up the finish time and you can enter the racer number in the pace provided. 

(The racer information and event details will autofill once the race number is entered) 

Once all finishers are in, click the blue "Publish Results" button at the bottom. 


Once you've published the times, your results pages will be updated. You can see all of your Results for each event by selecting Results on your Admin Page. 

(You can also edit and update results as needed.) 

Offsets for Timing Multiple Events (or waves): 

If you used the time multiple events feature, you can apply a time offset on those results pages by clicking the show filters and show offset buttons to adjust who gets the offset and how much. 


Each of your results pages will have an "event awards here" link, which you can see the results broken down into the registration divisions you have setup. You can also download all the results on the main Results page.


Feel free to play around with all of these features before race day- you can always delete dummy registrations or clear out times or results on your race. We advise that you try them out on the same device you'll be using on race day just to make sure you're comfortable. 

If you have any questions please email support@paddleguru.com or support@racehubhq.com.