Opening or Closing Race Registration

To Open or Close your registration simply navigate to the Admin Toolbar on the left side of your Admin Dashbaord. Scroll down to the "Events/Registration Setup" section and click on "Registration Basics". The two fields titled "Registration Start Date" and "Registration End Date" will control when your registration window is open. 

Once you have set up your Registration Window, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save Changes" 

**WARNING: Make sure your End Date is AFTER your Start Date. Please double check the day, month and year to ensure the window is not inaccurate. 

Viewing Your Registration Page Layout

If your registration window is OPEN then you will be able to always view the registration page by clicking the top right corner blue button "Reg Page". 

If your registration window is CLOSED then you will only be able to view your registration page by clicking "register someone" which is nested under the Actions section.

for more info on registration urls or embedding your registration into your website click here.

**A race page can be Public or Private and have registration open.  However, a private race page with a public registration will allow you to play around with the registration the user sees without having a public registration page.**

For more information on  Public or Private Race Pages Please click here