Customize Your Race Page Further

Customize Your Race Page (Further)

1) Coupons

RaceHub lets you create custom coupons so you can give discounts or offer promotions to certain athletes. Coupons only apply to events, not to extras like meal tickets or t-shirt prices.

To see information about the coupons you've created, select "Coupons" from the Admin menu under Events/Registration Setup header (located on the left side of your  screen when viewing your "Admin Dashboard") 

Click "Add a Coupon" to create a new coupon.

Adding a Coupon

The three important elements of a coupon are:
  • the coupon code
  • the type of discount the coupon grants, and
  • the total number of coupons available.

Coupon Code

Athletes can add a coupon code at the end of the registration page when they register for your race. The coupon code is NOT case sensitive, and spaces don't matter.

Type of Discount

The "Amount Off" selection will allow you to give a discount of a designated amount. Just enter the "Discount Amount" below and any racer using this code will receive that amount off their registration.
The "Percent Off" selection will allow you to give a fixed percentage off. No matter what the price of registration, this option will allow racers to receive your designated percent off their registration fees when they apply your coupon code.
The "Free" option allows a racer to register free of cost.
The discount (whether an amount, percentage or free) only applies to registrations, not to the extra items that athletes can purchase. This means that if a coupon fully comps a paddler, but that paddler buys extras, their credit card will still be charged.

Number of Coupons

The "Unlimited Coupons?" option controls the number of coupons available. To limit the coupon supply, select "No" and enter the number of coupons. RaceHub keeps track of the athletes that have used a particular coupon, and will stop honoring it once the coupon reaches its limit.

Viewing Coupons

Once you've created a coupon, it will appear on the coupon dashboard ("Edit" > "Coupons" on the blue admin bar). For each coupon, you can see
  • The coupon code
  • The number of coupons originally available
  • The discount amount
  • The names of athletes that have used the coupon so far
  • The number of coupons left.
You can edit any existing coupon with the "Edit" button on the right.

2) Add Extra Items For Sale or Collect Donations

To offer something for sale or to collect donations for a cause, simply use the "Extra Items" feature of RaceHub. You can find "Extra Items" under the "Events/Registration Setup" header on your Admin Dashboard.  

Once redirected to the Extra Items Dashboard, you can review all your Donation Options, Extra Items for Sale, and add more of either by clicking the "Add Extra Item" button. 

When Adding an extra item you will be asked to answer questions in the following areas: 


You have two options when it comes to type of Extra Items: Fixed Price or Donation. 

Fixed Price refers to any item that you want to list for sale on your race page (extra shirts, meal tickets, concert tickets, rental gear, etc.). As you set up each item for sale you will be asked to provide: 

  • Price - Amount you want to charge for each item 
  • Limit Per Person - Optional restriction of total number of items each registrant can buy 
  • Quantity Available - Number of total items you as Race Organizer have to offer 
    • If you set a Quantity Available, RaceHub will keep track of each item purchased and only allow your set number of items to be sold 

Donation is an opportunity for you as the Race Organizer to raise money for any cause (you can raise money for a charity, worthy cause, sponsor or your own event). The donation amount is left blank for each registrant to fill out, but you can guide or encourage donators with the instructions option provided below. 

Label and Instructions

The Label section is where you can briefly describe your Item or Donation. This label will appear beside the Extra with the Price and the Instructions will appear below the Quantity Desired or Donation Amount (as shown below).  

3) Custom Questions

If you want to collect information not gathered in the general Registration Page formatting, use the "Custom Questions" tab and create your own questions 

Adding a Question 

Before you get started, know that questions cannot be rearranged once created. They will appear sequential on the registration page in the oder they were initially written (so make sure to have all your questions mapped out before you begin)

Navigate to the left admin tool bar and select "Custom Questions" under the "Events/Registration Setup" header

Once on the Custom Question's Page, you will be able to see any custom questions you have created, in the example below case we have added two questions for all registrants, 

1) shirt size 2) ACA/UACK Number

To create a new question simply click "Add a Question".

Creating Your Question 

Question Text

This is where you enter the wording of your question (in the examples below the "Question Text" will just be the different "Type"s to help illustrate the differences) 

"Type" refers what kind of question you are asking and RaceHub has 4 options

1) Text Input (One Line) 

2) Text Box Input (Large)

3) Dropdown Selection (User picks from list)

4) Informational Text 

Question Scope

There are 3 different options when it comes to who will see your questions: 

1) "All Registrants are shown this question" 

If you want EVERY registration to see your question then select this option. 

2) "Only show this question for certain Extra"

This option will only show your question to people who select a certain extra. For example, if your Extra Item for sale is a Race T-shirt, you can create a question that only appears to people who purchase a Race T-shirt and asks "What size T-shirt?"

When you select this option, you will then be prompted to indicate which "Extra Item" you want the question to be tied to. 

*The question will only appear when an extra item is selected by the registrant* 

3) "Only show this question for certain Event"

This option will only show your question to people who are registered for a certain "Event". For example, if the race is a Triathlon and you have one Individual event and one Team Event, you can ask a question "What is your Team Name?" but only have the question appear to those registering for the Team Event.  

When you select this option, you will then be prompted to indicate which "Event" you want the question to be tied to. 

*The question will only appear when an "Event" is selected by the registrant* 

Answer Required 

If you want your question to be mandatory for all registrants (or those triggered by the Extra or Event indicated) then select "Yes." If you do not care if the registrants answer the question or not then select "No" 

*Athletes will not be able to complete their registration without an answer if you select "Yes"

Optional Instructions

This final piece of the Custom Question page allows you to give the registrants instructions for your question. (You can leave this blank if your question is straight forward and do not need instructions)