How to Tag/Identify athletes in your photos

The photo feature is still in BETA, so please be patient with us and feel free to reach out to or if you have any questions.  The below directions are for manual tagging only, which is completely free. If you would like to use the automated tagging please reach out to the above emails to get more info on pricing.

To tag athletes in photos first navigate to your race page.  Make sure you see the blue ADMIN button on the top right hand of your screen or you will not have access to this feature.

Then click Tagging:

From the Tagging section you can choose to filter by untagged photos, tagged photos, or all photos.  You can also choose whether you would like to tag any given set of photos by adjusting the start and finish #.  To tag an athlete, simply type in the bib number you see in the photograph and press enter on your keyboard or click "Tag."  By using the enter key you can go faster. The platform will then automatically focus on the next image.  The tag is complete when the information in Above tag is filled out.

To tag Multiple athletes in photos: Simply type in the bib numbers you see with commas between them (ie..555,554,657,999).

To delete an incorrect tag simply highlight the number, delete it, and then click enter on your keyboard or "Tag."