Password Reset

Reset Your Account Password 

If you are having trouble logging into your account, we have a few easy steps that will help. 

The screen that you will see when trying to log into your account on RaceHub or PaddleGuru will be the one shown below: 

  1. The first thing to try is to type in the email and password you believe to be associated with your account. Hopefully, this will work and log you into your account. 
  2. If your password or email are not working there might be one of two problems:
    1. You might be using the wrong password 
    2. You might be using the wrong email

A) Password

If you cannot remember your password, then please click the "Forgot your password?" text in blue lettering below the "Sign In" button. This will take you to a new screen where you can enter your email address and have a password reset email sent to your inbox. 

Once you press "Reset Password" the email will be sent. It may take a few minutes for the email to appear in your inbox. Once it arrives, you will be able to follow the instructions to reset your password. Once complete you can return to RaceHub or PaddleGuru and login with your email and new password. 

B) Email 

Sometimes you might be accidentally using the wrong email. To verify that you are using the correct email, click on the "Athletes" tab in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. 

Once on the "Athletes" page, type your email into the search bar. If your account pops up, then you are using the correct email address, but if your account does not appear in the results then you are using the wrong email account. Try another email address you might have used to set up your account. 

This also might mean that you had a temporary account set up for you. In this case, you will need to create a new account for yourself (and Claim a Race Registration). 

Still Can't Access Your Account? 

If for some reason the instructions to reset your password or choose the correct email are not working, please email our support center for RaceHub or PaddleGuru.          or

We would be happy to assist in any way we can!