Part 2: During Registration Collection

This second tutorial focuses on Registration and the time period between your Race Page going live and the start of your first Event. The topics covered here will be Registration (Editing and Viewing), Contacting Registrants, and the Payment Dashboard. 

Registrations (Editing and Viewing)

View Registered Athletes 

To view your registered athletes go to our Admin Dashboard and select "Registered Athletes" under the "View" heading to the left of your screen. 

You will be redirected to the "Registered Athletes" page. On this page you will be provided the total number of registrants as well as a list with details on each registration. You can search through the list by name or race number (search box at the top of page) and you can click on each name to view their registration details in full.

Edit a Registration 

Finding the Right Registration

To Edit a Registration simply navigate to the "Registered Athletes" page once more (directions above). Then either scroll through the registered athletes or use the search bar at the top to type in the name of the athlete. The athlete matching your search will appear at the top of your screen and then to Edit their registration, click on their name in blue. (shown below) 

Making Your Changes

You will then be directed to their actual registration page. (shown below) 

Here you can see all the events they registered for, as well as their answers to all the questions you asked during registration. As the Admin you can actually delete an entry for an event (by clicking the red "Remove" button to the right), add an entry for a different event by clicking any of the green "Add an Entry" buttons, or change any of the information provided. 

Once you have finished editing the registration, scroll to the bottom of the registration page to decide how to notify the athlete, process any payments/refunds, and save your work. 

Notifying the Athlete 

Once your changes are made, you have to decide if you want to notify the athlete of the changes (via email) or not. 

If you answer "Yes" an email receipt (similar to their initial confirmation email) will be sent to the address they provided. If you answer "No" no update email will be sent. 

*The email will only send once you select "Submit" at the bottom. 

Processing Partial Refunds or Extra Payments

If during your edits the price of the registration changes (for example, if you added/removed an extra item or registered the athlete for a differently priced event), RaceHub gives you the capability to refund the athlete, charge the athlete, or do neither. 

Partial Refund 

At the bottom of the registration, the "Total Cost", "Previous Amount Paid", and "Amount Due" are tabulated by RaceHub. (seen below) 

If the amount is less than the initial payment, you will be asked if you want to process the refund. If you would like to Process a refund and return the difference to their card, simply select "Yes, process refund." If you want to make a change without offering a refund, select "No, submit change without any refund." 

Additional Payment Required 

If you get to the bottom and the the registrant owes money based on the edits made, you can choose to charge them the "Amount Due".

Similar to the partial refund, if the athlete owes money after your changes and you want to charge them, select "Yes, charge the registrant." If you want to make the changes without charging, select "No, submit change without payment." 

 **The athlete must have paid via credit card for either option to be possible

Saving Your Work

Whatever you do, don't forget to save your work! When you are finished making your changes and deciding how to proceed with athlete notification and payment, click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the screen. 

Edits will not be final until your work is submitted. 

Discard Your Changes

Similarly, if you made a mistake and would like discard any changes you make before submitting, just click the "Cancel" button and the registration will return to its original state. 

Delete and Fully Refund a Registration

If you would like to remove a registrant from your race, the first step is finding their registration. Navigate to the View section of your Admin Dashboard and click on the "Registered Athletes" tab (it will be on the left of your screen). 

Search for the athlete you are looking for and click on their blue name. 

Once on their registration page, scroll to the very bottom of the screen. At the bottom of your screen you will find the "Registrant Payment History" and below that there will be two large buttons in red: "Delete and Fully Refund" and "Delete Without Refunding"

Both buttons will completely remove the registrant from your race and you will not be able to get them back without re-registering them. 

**If you delete someone without refunding and change your mind about refunding their registration, please contact We can help you refund the credit card even if you have erased them from your event. 

Partially Refund a Registration without Deleting or Editing

If for whatever reason you decide to give a partial refund to an athlete, but you do not want to change or delete their registration, the best way to do this is through coupons.

Create a Coupon 

The first step to issuing a partial refund is to create a coupon for the amount you want to refund. Make sure that the name is specific to this refund, the amount is not more than the total cost of registration, and that you only create one coupon for this refund. For the full details on creating a coupon click  HERE

Input the Coupon 

Once the coupon is created the next step is to Edit the Athlete's Registration. Click on the "Registered Athletes" tab to the left of your Admin Dashboard. 

Search for the athlete you are looking for and click on their blue name. 

Once on their registration page, scroll to the coupon space near the bottom and input the coupon code you created. 

Once your code is entered the Price of the entry will be altered and you can scroll down to the bottom of the Registration Page to issue the refund. 

Issue the Refund 

Once you have scrolled down to the price breakdown, there should be a negative
"Amount Due" for your athlete. (shown below) 

To issue the refund, simply select "Yes, process the refund" and then click "Submit."

Register Athlete (as Admin)

To register an athlete as an Admin, the first step is to navigate to your Admin Dashboard and scroll to the bottom. On the left side of the page, under the heading "Actions" click on "Register Someone" (shown below)  

This will bring up a new Registration Page and you can begin the registration process. Unlike someone registering for your race using the normal RaceHub system, as an Admin you will be creating a new account and registering someone all at once. 

The first step is to fill out the racer's general information, such as Name, Gender, Age, and Email. (format shown below) 

Once you have completed this general information, you be able to fill in their registration details (Events, Extras, and any Custom Questions). This will appear just like a normal Registration Page that you set up for the general public. 

Upon completing the registration, you can choose how you would like to process payment for the athlete. 

Free Registration 

If you would like their registration to be free, the best way is to create a coupon that makes registration FREE and then add the coupon before finishing the registration. (For the full details on creating a coupon click  HERE) If you did not create a coupon yet and are already done with the Registration, you can process the registration by selecting "Pay Race Day" and adding the coupon later as an Edit. 

Collecting Cash or Payment on Race Day

If you would like the athlete to pay on Race Day, during race check-in or if you already collected payment in a different way, make sure to select "Pay Race Day" as your payment option. This will allow you to process and complete the registration without having a payment on file. 

Paying with their Credit Card 

If you have their credit card information and are registering on someone's behalf, select the "Credit Card" option. When you finish the registration and click "Submit," you will be prompted to enter the racer's credit card information. 

**If you already have a different credit card on file, you can erase the memory and input the new credit card by clicking on the blue "log out" icon circled below. 

**We don't actually file credit cards - (our 3rd party payment processor) will appear as a popup during payment. They will store your card details if you choose, but you should be able to edit the number at any point.

How Can an Athlete claim a Registration You Make? 

If the athlete you are signing up wants to create a RaceHub account using this information or claim this entry under their existing account, you can send them the FAQ  HERE, which will walk them through that process. 

Customize Race Numbers 

Users are assigned a racer number when they sign up for events. However, as a Race Organizer, you can customize these numbers at any time. First navigate to the Admin page for your event and click "Registered Athletes."  

You will see a list of registered paddlers. Your next step is to select the "Entries" tab to the right of the search bar. 

This action will change the formatting of the list and will give you an option to "Click here to change racer numbers". Click on the blue sentence link. 

From there you will be able to edit the numbers of each racer. Just make sure to "Save Renumbering" once you are done, otherwise your changes will not be permanent. 

Important: All paddlers must have distinct numbers. You cannot use the same number twice in the same event, but the same number may be used in different events.

Exporting Registrations, Startlists, and Accounting 

If you need to export registrations, startlists, results, accounting or payments, simply navigate to the the "admin tool bar" on the left-side of your screen and scroll down to the "Actions" heading. Then click "Export".  

The "Export" link will take you to the following page where you can export Registrations, Startlists/Results, and the Payments Ledger.

This provides you with a file (CSV, xls, etc) that you can use to integrate with other platforms or simply as a detailed document for yourself.  The exported output format looks like the following on a mac:

**note your export may vary depending on your browser or computer type, if you end up with a .txt format file simply change browsers**

How do you Open a CSV file in Excel? 

Here is a helpful link provided by Support at Microsoft Office to Open your exported CSV file into Excel:

What if you don't have Excel? 

If you don't have Microsoft Excel we recommend using Google Sheets. Here is a helpful link to learn how open and operate Google Sheets if you are new to the perks of Gmail:

Payment Dashboard

View Your Payment Dashboard

To view your Payment Details go to your Admin Dashboard and select "Payments Dashboard" under the "View" heading to the left of your screen. 

You will then be redirected to your Payment Dashboard, where you can monitor all of your transactions and accounting details. The Payment Dashboard homepage is the "Overview" page. Here you can see a summary of your payments, your current balance, and previous payments you have received from RaceHub. (Shown below) 

If you are looking for a more detailed breakdown of individual athlete payments, click on the blue "Transactions" tab at the top of the screen. (Transactions page below)

On this page, you will be able to see the count for Total Payments, Total Refunds, Total Transfers, and your Current Balance. The list below is a comprehensive list of all the accounting surrounding your race. This includes all the athlete payments and refunds, as well as any payouts we transfer to you. 

You can search payments by scrolling through the list, using the "Search By Name" box, or using the dropdown menu to sort by classification.

Requesting a Payout (How to get paid) 

If you would like to receive a payout at any time please email our support team at: 

We will process a transfer for you and your "Current Balance" will appear in your account within 24-48 hours.

**Please make sure your Bank Details are completed before requesting a Payout.